In these turbulent COVID-19 times, anxiety and fear are freezing our ability to respond to any threats or opportunities in our business environment. We are in survival mode where our reptilian brain takes over rationality. Stopping the engine instead of moving forward appears to us in this state to be the only action feasible. Brain and guts, ...
4758 Hits
4758 Hits
As I contemplate the reopening of our company, I now have to consider addressing the following key issues: What will my workforce look like? What capabilities do we have? What has happened to our customer base? What has happened to our supply chain? What businesses do we want to be in? Where will we put our scarce resources?How can I...
4365 Hits
4365 Hits
In summer 2017 Sabine's life was full of health issues, family troubles, job issues and many other problems. Then – while working as an agile coach & scrum master – she decided to treat herself as an agile product. Sabine turned the well-known agile mindset and tools of her trade onto the woman in the mirror and took full responsibility as a Pr...
2341 Hits
2341 Hits
The Corona crisis revealed the fragility of our globalized system. The crisis brought deprivation to just about every vital social system and showed its infrastructure's flaws. What seemed to be obviouslyconnected quickly unravelled. Highly interdependent value chains proved enormously vulnerable. At the same time, Sectors known for the ...
1653 Hits
1653 Hits
Requisite agility Requisite agility is changing the business fast enough to continue to survive and thrive in a turbulent business environment. Sometimes those changes are just fluctuations in demand for what we're already doing. Sometimes the business environment changes so much that we have to change the nature and direction of the business to st...
1894 Hits
1894 Hits
COVID-19 has driven huge and difficult shifts in organizations around the world.But this itself is not the challenge, it is a cause.The challenge we face today is already familiar to us and it is not identifiable as one thing. At the meta-level the challenge is that we have more change, complexity, diversity.At the concrete level the issues a...
2078 Hits
2078 Hits